Prof. Peter J. Hore's Publication

Prof. Peter J. Hore's Publications

     1. Upper bound on the biological effects of 50/60 Hz magnetic fields mediated by radical pairs
         P. J. Hore
         eLife 8 (2019) e44179


  1. Proposal to use superparamagnetic nanoparticles to test the role of cryptochrome in magnetoreception
    S. B. Worster and P. J. Hore
    J. R. Soc. Interface, 15 (2018) 20180587
  2. Posner qubits: spin dynamics of entangled Ca9(PO4)6 molecules and their role in neural processing
    T. C. Player and P. J. Hore
    J. R. Soc. Interface, 15 (2018) 20180494
  3. Magnetically sensitive radical photochemistry of non-natural flavoproteins
    T. M. Zollitsch, L. E. Jarocha, C. Bialas, K. B. Henbest, G. Kodali, P. L. Dutton, C. C. Moser, C. R. Timmel, P. J. Hore and S. R. Mackenzie
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 140 (2018) 8705-8713
  4. Magnetocarcinogenesis: is there a mechanism for carcinogenic effects of weak magnetic fields?
    J. Juutilainen, M. Herrala, J. Luukkonen, J. Naarala and P. J. Hore
    Proc. R. Soc. B, 285 (2018) 20180590
  5. A DNA-based magnetic sensor
    P. J. Hore
    ACS Cent. Sci. 4 (2018) 318-320
  1. Ascorbic acid may not be involved in cryptochrome-based magnetoreception
    C. Nielsen, D. R. Kattnig, E. Sjulstok, P. J. Hore and I. A. Solov'yov
    J. R. Soc. Interface, 14 (2017) 20170657
  2. A light-dependent magnetoreception mechanism insensitive to light intensity and polarization
    S. Worster, H. Mouritsen and P. J. Hore
    J. R. Soc. Interface, 14 (2017) 20170405
  3. Disruption of magnetic compass orientation in migratory birds by radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
    H. G. Hiscock, H. Mouritsen, D. E. Manolopoulos and P. J. Hore
    Biophys. J. 113 (2017) 1475-1484
  4. The sensitivity of a radical pair compass magnetoreceptor can be significantly amplified by radical scavengers
    D. R. Kattnig and P. J. Hore
    Sci. Rep. 7 (2017) 11640
  5. Millitesla magnetic field effects on the photocycle of an animal cryptochrome
    D. M. W. Sheppard, J. Li, K. B. Henbest, S. R. T. Neil, K. Maeda, J. Storey, E. Schleicher, T. Biskup, R. Rodriguez, S. Weber, P. J. Hore, C. R. Timmel, and S. R. Mackenzie
    Sci. Rep. 7 (2017) 42228
  1. Engineering an artificial flavoprotein magnetosensor
    C. Bialas, L. E. Jarocha, K. B. Henbest, T. M. Zollitsch, G. Kodali, C. R. Timmel, S. R. Mackenzie, P. L. Dutton, C. C. Moser, and P. J. Hore
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 138 (2016) 16584-16587
  2. Floquet theory of radical pairs in radiofrequency magnetic fields
    H. G. Hiscock, D. R. Kattnig, D. E. Manopoulos and P. J. Hore
    J. Chem. Phys., 145 (2016) 124117.
  3. Sub-millitesla magnetic field effects on the recombination reaction of flavin and ascorbic acid radicals
    E. W. Evans, D. R. Kattnig, K. B. Henbest, P. J. Hore, S. R. Mackenzie and C. R. Timmel
    J. Chem. Phys., 145 (2016) 085101.
  4. Spin relaxation of radicals in cryptochrome and its role in avian magnetoreception
    S. Worster, D. R. Kattnig and P. J. Hore
    J. Chem. Phys., 145 (2016) 035104.
  5. Electron spin relaxation can enhance the performance of a cryptochrome-based magnetic compass sensor
    D. R. Kattnig, J. K. Sowa, I. A. Solov'yov and P. J. Hore
    New J. Phys., 18 (2016) 063007.
  6. Magnetoelectroluminescence in organic light emitting diodes
    J. E. Lawrence, A. M. Lewis, D. E. Manolopoulos and P. J. Hore
    J. Chem. Phys., 144 (2016) 214109.
  7. The radical pair mechanism of magnetoreception
    P. J. Hore and H. Mouritsen
    Ann. Rev. Biophys., 45 (2016) 299-344.
  8. Electron spin relaxation in cryptochrome-based magnetoreception
    D. R. Kattnig, I. A. Solov'yov and P. J. Hore
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18 (2016) 12443-12456.
  9. Weak broadband electromagnetic fields are more disruptive to magnetic compass orientation in a night-migratory songbird (Erithacus rubecula) than strong narrow-band fields
    S. Schwarze, N.-L. Schneider, T. Reichl, D. Dreyer, N. Lefeldt, S. Engels, N. Baker, P. J. Hore and H. Mouritsen
    Front. Behav. Neurosci., 10 (2016) 55.
  10. The quantum needle of the avian magnetic compass
    H. G. Hiscock, S. Worster, D. R. Kattnig, C. Steers, Y. Jin, D. E. Manolopoulos, H. Mouritsen and P. J. Hore
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 113 (2016) 4634-4639.
  11. Chemical amplification of magnetic field effects relevant to avian magnetoreception
    D. R. Kattnig, E. W. Evans, V. Dejean, C. A. Dodson, M. I. Wallace, S. R. Mackenzie, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    Nature Chem. 8 (2016) 384-391.
  1. Sensitive fluorescence-based detection of magnetic field effects in photoreactions of flavins
    E. W. Evans, J. Li, J. G. Storey, K. Maeda, K. B. Henbest, C. A. Dodson, P. J. Hore, S. R. Mackenzie and C. R. Timmel
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 18456-18463.
  2. Fluorescence-detected magnetic field effects on radical pair reactions from femtolitre volumes
    C. A. Dodson, C. J. Wedge, M. Murakami, K. Maeda, M. I. Wallace and P. J. Hore
    Chem. Comm. 51 (2015) 8023-8026.
  3. Probing a chemical compass: novel variants of low-frequency reaction yield detected magnetic resonance
    K. Maeda, J. G. Storey, P. A. Liddell, D. Gust, P. J. Hore, C. J. Wedge and C. R. Timmel
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 3550-3559.
  1. A chemical compass for bird navigation
    I. A. Solov'yov, T. Ritz, K. Schulten and P. J. Hore
    In 'Quantum effects in biology', ed. M. Mohseni, Y. Omar, G. Engel and M. Plenio, Cambridge University Press (2014).
  2. Asymmetric recombination and electron spin relaxation in the semiclassical theory of radical pair reactions
    A. M. Lewis, D. E. Manolopoulos and P. J. Hore
    J. Chem. Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 141 (2014) 044111.
  3. Anthropogenic electromagnetic noise disrupts magnetic compass orientation in a migratory bird
    S. Engels, N.-L. Schneider, N. Lefeldt, C. M. Hein, M. Zapka, A. Michalik, D. Elbers, A. Kittel, P. J. Hore and H. Mouritsen
    Nature 509 (2014) 353-356.
  4. Broadband cavity-enhanced detection of magnetic field effects in chemical models of a cryptochrome magnetoreceptor
    S. R. T. Neil, J. Li, D. M.W. Sheppard, J. Storey, K. Maeda, K. B. Henbest, P. J. Hore, C. R. Timmel and S. R. Mackenzie
    J. Phys. Chem. B. 118 (2014) 4177-4184.
  5. Alternative radical pairs for cryptochrome-based magnetoreception
    A. Lee, J. C. S. Lau, H. J. Hogben, T. Biskup, D. R. Kattnig and P. J. Hore
    J. R. Soc. Interface. (2014) 20131063.
  1. Spin-selective recombination reactions of radical pairs: experimental test of validity of reaction operators
    K. Maeda, P. Liddell, D. Gust and P. J. Hore
    J. Chem. Phys 139 (2013) 234309.
  2. An improved semiclassical theory of radical pair recombination reactions
    D. E. Manolopoulos and P. J. Hore
    J. Chem. Phys. 139 (2013) 124106.
  3. Spin-locking in low-frequency reaction yield detected magnetic resonance
    C. J. Wedge, J. C. S. Lau, K-A. Ferguson, S. Norman, P. J. Hore and C. R. Timmel
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15 (2013) 16043-16053.
  4. A radical sense of direction: signalling and mechanism in cryptochrome magnetoreception
    C. A. Dodson, P. J. Hore and M. I. Wallace
    Trends Biochem. Sci., 38 (2013) 435-446.
  1. Entanglement and sources of magnetic anisotropy in radical pair-based avian magnetoreceptors
    H. J. Hogben, T. Biskup, and P. J. Hore
  2. Compass magnetoreception in birds arising from photo-induced radical pairs in rotationally disordered cryptochromes
    J. C. S. Lau, C. T. Rodgers and P. J. Hore
    J. R. Soc. Interface, 9 (2012) 3329-3337.
  3. The magnetic retina: light-dependent and trigeminal magnetoreception in migratory birds
    H. Mouritsen and P. J. Hore
    Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 22 (2012) 343-352.
  4. Magnetically sensitive light-induced reactions in cryptochrome are consistent with its proposed role as a magnetoreceptor
    K. Maeda, A. J. Robinson, K. B. Henbest, H. J. Hogben, T. Biskup, M. Ahmad, E. Schleicher, S. Weber, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109 (2012) 4774-4779.
  5. Are biochemical reactions affected by weak magnetic fields?
    P. J. Hore
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109 (2012) 1357-1358.
  1. Following radical pair reactions in solution: a step change in sensitivity using cavity ring-down detection
    K. Maeda, S. R. T. Neil, K. Henbest, S. Weber, E. Schleicher, P. J. Hore, S. R. Mackenzie and C. R. Timmel
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011) 17807-17815.
  2. Multiple decoherence-free states in multi-spin systems
    H. J. Hogben, P. J. Hore and I. Kuprov
    J. Magn. Reson. 211 (2011) 217-220.
  3. Spin-selective recombination kinetics of a model chemical magnetoreceptor
    K. Maeda, C. J. Wedge, J. G. Storey, K. B Henbest, P. A. Liddell, G. Kodis, D. Gust, P. J. Hore and C. R. Timmel
    Chem. Comm. 47 (2011) 6563-6565.
  4. Reply to Comment on "Spin-selective reactions of radical pairs act as quantum measurements"
    J. A. Jones, K. Maeda, U. E. Steiner and P. J. Hore
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 508 (2011) 184-185.
  5. Reaction operators for spin-selective chemical reactions of radical pairs
    J. A. Jones, K. Maeda and P. J. Hore
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 507 (2011) 269-273.
  6. Spinach - a software library for simulation of spin dynamics in large spin systems
    H. J. Hogben, M. Krzystyniak, G. T. P. Charnock, P. J. Hore and I. Kuprov
    J. Magn. Reson. 208 (2011) 179-194.
  1. Solid-state photo-CIDNP effect observed in phototropin LOV1-C57S by 13C magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy
    S. Surendran Thamarath, J. Heberle, P. J. Hore, T. Kottke and J. Matysik
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 135 (2010) 15542-15543.
  2. Lipoprotein complex of equine lysozyme with oleic acid (ELOA) interactions with the plasma membrane of live cells
    V. Vukojevic, A. M. Bowen, K. Wilhelm, Y. Ming, C. Zhang, J. Schleucher, P. J. Hore, L. Terenius and L. A. Morozova-Roche
    Langmuir 26 (2010) 14782-14787.
  3. Strategies for state space restriction in densely coupled spin systems with applications to spin chemistry
    H. J. Hogben, P. J. Hore and I. Kuprov
    J. Chem. Phys., 132 (2010) 174101.
  4. Spin-selective reactions of radical pairs act as quantum measurements
    J. A. Jones and P. J. Hore
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 488 (2010) 90-93.
  5. Effects of disorder and motion in a radical pair magnetoreceptor
    J. C. S. Lau, N. Wagner-Rundell, C. T. Rodgers, N. J. B. Green and P. J. Hore
    J. R. Soc. Interface 7 (2010) S257-S264.
  1. Temperature and urea induced denaturation of the TRP-cage mini protein TC5b: a simulation study consistent with experimental observations
    Z. Gattin, S. Riniker, P. J. Hore, K. H. Mok and W. F. van Gunsteren
    Protein Sci. 18 (2009) 2090-2099.
  2. Possible involvement of superoxide and dioxygen with cryptochrome in avian magnetoreception: origin of Zeeman resonances observed by in vivo EPR spectroscopy
    H. J. Hogben, O. Efimova, N. Wagner-Rundell, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 480 (2009) 118-122.
  3. Exploring photo-reactions between polyazaaromatic Ru(II) complexes and biomolecules by chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization measurements
    S. Perrier, E. Mugeniwabagara, A. Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, P. J. Hore and M. Luhmer
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 131 (2009) 12458-12465.
  4. Radiofrequency field polarization effects in low-field electron paramagnetic resonance
    C. J. Wedge, C. T. Rodgers, S. A. Norman, N. Baker, K. Maeda, K. B. Henbest, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11 (2009) 6573-6579.
  5. Radiofrequency field polarization effects in zero-field electron paramagnetic resonance
    C. T. Rodgers, C. J. Wedge, S. A. Norman, P. Kukura, N. Baker, K. Maeda, K. B. Henbest, P. J. Hore, and C. R. Timmel
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11 (2009) 6569-6572.
  6. Evaluation of nuclear quadrupole interactions as a source of magnetic anisotropy in the radical pair model of the avian magnetic compass
    O. Efimova and P. J. Hore
    Molec. Phys., 107 (2009) 665-671.
  7. Refolding of ribonuclease A monitored by real-time photo-CIDNP NMR spectroscopy
    I. J. Day, K. Maeda, H. J. Paisley, K. H. Mok, and P. J. Hore
    J. Biomolec. NMR, 44 (2009) 77-86.
  8. Magnetic compass of birds is based on a molecule with optimal directional sensitivity
    T. Ritz, R. Wiltschko, P. J. Hore, C. T. Rodgers, K. Stapput, P. Thalau, C. R. Timmel and W. Wiltschko
    Biophys. J., 96 (2009) 3451-3457.
  9. Effect of magnetic fields on cryptochrome-dependent responses in Arabidopsis thaliana
    S.-R. Harris, K. B. Henbest, K. Maeda, J. R. Pannell, C. R. Timmel, P. J. Hore and H. Okamoto
    J. R. Soc. Interface 6 (2009) 1193-1205.
  10. Chemical magnetoreception in birds: a radical pair mechanism
    C. T. Rodgers and P. J. Hore
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106 (2009) 353-360.
  1. Magnetic field effect on the photoactivation reaction of Escherichia coli DNA photolyase
    K. B. Henbest, K. Maeda, P. J. Hore, M. Joshi, A. Bacher, R. Bittl, S. Weber, C. R. Timmel and E. Schleicher
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105 (2008) 14395-14399.
  2. Inter-oligomer interactions of the human prion protein are modulated by the polymorphism at codon 129
    R. Gerber, K. Voitchovsky, C. Mitchel, A. Tahiri-Alaoui, J. F. Ryan, P. J. Hore and W. James
    J. Mol. Biol., 381 (2008) 212-220.
  3. Chemical compass model of avian magnetoreception
    K. Maeda, K. B. Henbest, F. Cintolesi, I. Kuprov, C. T. Rodgers, P. A. Liddell, D. Gust, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    Nature, 453 (2008) 387-390.
  4. Conformational pH dependence of intermediate states during oligomerization of the human prion protein
    R. Gerber, A. Tahiri-Alaoui, P. J. Hore and W. James
    Protein Sci., 17 (2008) 537-544.
  5. Role of exchange and dipolar interactions in the radical pair model of the avian magnetic compass
    O. Efimova and P. J. Hore
    Biophys. J., 94 (2008) 1565-1574.
  1. Chemical magnetoreception: bird cryptochrome 1a is excited by blue light and forms long-lived radical-pairs
    M. Liedvogel, K. Maeda, K. Henbest, E. Schleicher, T. Simon, P. J. Hore, C. R. Timmel and H. Mouritsen
    PLoS One, 2 (2007) e1106.
  2. Polynomially scaling spin dynamics simulation algorithm based on adaptive state-space restriction
    I. Kuprov, N. Wagner-Rundell and P. J. Hore
    J. Magn Reson., 190 (2007) 76-85.
  3. 1H and 13C hyperfine coupling constants of the tryptophanyl cation radical in aqueous solution from microsecond time-resolved CIDNP
    A. S. Kiryutin, O. B. Morozova, L. T. Kuhn, A.V. Yurkovskaya and P. J. Hore
    J. Phys. Chem. B., 111 (2007) 11221-11227.
  4. Spin relaxation effects in photo-CIDNP spectroscopy of nuclei with strongly anisotropic hyperfine couplings
    I. Kuprov, T. D. Craggs, S. E. Jackson and P. J. Hore
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 129 (2007) 9004-9013.
  5. Determination of radical re-encounter probability distributions from magnetic field effects on reaction yields
    C. T. Rodgers, S. A. Norman, K. B. Henbest, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 129 (2007) 6746-6755.
  6. A pre-existing hydrophobic collapse in the unfolded state of an ultrafast folding protein
    K. H. Mok, L. T. Kuhn, M. Goez, I. J. Day, J. C. Lin, N. H. Andersen and P. J. Hore
    Nature, 447 (2007) 106-109.
  7. Oligomerization of the human prion protein proceeds via a molten globule intermediate
    R. Gerber, A. Tahiri-Alaoui, P. J. Hore and W. James
    J. Biol. Chem., 282 (2007) 6300-6307.
  1. 19F NMR studies of the native and denatured states of green fluorescent protein
    F. Khan, I. Kuprov, T. D. Craggs, P. J. Hore and S. E. Jackson
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 128 (2006) 10729-10737.
  2. Analysis of the spin-polarized electron spin echo of the [P700+A1−] radical pair of photosystem I indicates that both reaction centre subunits are competent in electron transfer in cyanobacteria, green algae, and higher plants.
    S. Santabarbara, I. Kuprov, P. J. Hore, A. Casal, P. Heathcote and M. C.W. Evans
    Biochemistry, 45 (2006) 7389-7403.
  3. Photoionization of TMPD in DMSO solution: mechanism and magnetic field effects
    K. B. Henbest, E. Athanassiades, K. Maeda, I. Kuprov, P.J. Hore and C. R. Timmel
    Molec. Phys. 104 (2006) 1789-1794.
  4. Theoretical study of the CIDNP kinetics of the reaction of a photoexcited dye with a reactive spot on the surface of a sphere: application to CIDNP of proteins
    K. L. Ivanov, A. V. Yurkovskaya, P. J. Hore and N. N. Lukzen
    Molec. Phys. 104 (2006) 1687-1702.
  5. Novel pulse sequences for time-resolved photo-CIDNP
    M. Goez, I. Kuprov, K. H. Mok and P. J. Hore
    Molec. Phys. 104 (2006) 1675-1686.
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging of the manipulation of a chemical wave using an inhomogeneous magnetic field 
    R. Evans, C. R. Timmel, P. J. Hore and M. M. Britton
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 128 (2006) 7309-7314.
  7. Measurement of magnetic field effects on radical recombination reactions using triplet-triplet energy transfer
    K. B. Henbest, K. Maeda, E. Athanassiades, P. J. Hore and C.R. Timmel
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 421 (2006) 571-576.
  1. Intramolecular electron transfer in lysozyme studied by time-resolved CIDNP
    O. B. Morozova, P. J. Hore, R. Z. Sagdeev and A. V. Yurkovskaya
    J. Phys. Chem B, 109 (2005) 21971-21978.
  2. Photo-CIDNP experiments with an optimized presaturation pulse train, gated continuous illumination, and a background-nulling pulse grid. 
    M. Goez, K. H. Mok and P. J. Hore
    J. Magn. Reson., 177 (2005) 236-246.
  3. Increasing the sensitivity of time-resolved photo-CIDNP experiments by multiple laser flashes and temporary storage in the rotating frame
    M. Goez, I. Kuprov and P. J. Hore
    J. Magn. Reson., 177 (2005) 139-145.
  4. Design and performance of a microsecond time-resolved photo-CIDNP add-on for a high-field NMR spectrometer
    I. Kuprov, M. Goez, P. A. Abbott and P. J. Hore
    Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76 (2005) 084103.
  5. Photo-CIDNP NMR spectroscopy of a heme-containing protein
    I. J. Day, R. Wain, K. Tozawa, L. J. Smith and P. J. Hore
    J. Magn. Reson., 175 (2005) 330-335.
  6. Multiple subsets of side-chain packing in partially folded states of α-lactalbumins
    K. H. Mok, T. Nagashima, I. J. Day, P. J. Hore and C. M. Dobson
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102 (2005) 8899-8904.
  7. Low-field optically detected EPR spectroscopy of transient photoinduced radical pairs
    C. T. Rodgers, K. B. Henbest, P. Kukura, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    J. Phys. Chem. A, 109 (2005) 5035-5041.
  8. Time-resolved CIDNP study of non-native states of bovine and human α-lactalbumins
    O. B. Morozova, P. J. Hore, V. E. Bychkova, R. Z. Sagdeev and A. V. Yurkovskaya
    J. Phys. Chem B, 109 (2005) 5912-5918.
  9. Influence of dipolar interactions on radical pair recombination reactions subject to weak magnetic fields
    A. R. O'Dea, A. F. Curtis, N. J. B. Green, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    J. Phys. Chem A, 109 (2005) 869-873.
  10. Bidirectional electron transfer in Photosystem I: determination of two distances between P700+ and A1− in spin-correlated radical pairs
    S. Santabarbara, I. Kuprov, W. V. Fairclough, S. Purton, P. J. Hore, P. Heathcote and M. C. W. Evans
    Biochemistry, 44 (2005) 2119-2128.
  11. Magnetic field effect on singlet oxygen production in a biochemical system
    Y. Liu, R. Edge, K. Henbest, C. R. Timmel, P. J. Hore and P. Gast
    Chem. Comm. 2005, 174-176.
  1. Sources and interaction mechanisms. Rapporteur's report. ICNIRP/WHO International Workshop, Effects of static magnetic fields relevant to human health. 
    P. J. Hore
    Progr. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 87 (2004) 205-212.
  2. Time-resolved CIDNP study of native-state bovine and human α-lactalbumins
    O. B. Morozova, A. V. Yurkovskaya, R. Z. Sagdeev, K. H. Mok and P. J. Hore
    J. Phys. Chem. B, 108 (2004) 15355-15363.
  3. Uniform illumination of optically dense NMR samples
    I. Kuprov and P. J. Hore
    J. Magn. Reson., 171 (2004) 171-175
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging of a magnetic field-dependent chemical wave
    R. Evans, C. R. Timmel, P. J. Hore and M. M. Britton
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 397 (2004) 67-72
  5. Photo-CIDNP NMR methods for studying protein folding
    K. H. Mok and P. J. Hore
    Methods 34 (2004) 75-87
  6. Radiofrequency magnetic field effects on a radical recombination reaction: a diagnostic test for the Radical Pair Mechanism
    K. B. Henbest, P. Kukura, C. T. Rodgers, P. J. Hore and C. R. Timmel
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 126 (2004) 8102-8103
  7. Electron self-exchange kinetics determined by MARY spectroscopy: theory and experiment
    M. Justinek, G. Grampp, S. Landgraf, P. J. Hore and N. N. Lukzen
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 126 (2004) 5635-5646
  8. Oxidative folding of Amaranthus α-amylase inhibitor: disulfide bond formation and conformational folding
    M. Cemazar, S. Zahariev, S. Pongor and P. J. Hore
    J. Biol. Chem., 279 (2004) 16697-16705
  9. Chemically amplified 19F-1H nuclear Overhauser effects
    I. Kuprov and P. J. Hore
    J. Magn. Reson. 168 (2004) 1-7
  10. Cooperative and chromophore-regulated conformational changes in a phototropin LOV domain monitored by time-resolved NMR spectroscopy
    S. M. Harper, L. C. Neil, I. J. Day, P. J. Hore and K. H. Gardner
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 126 (2004) 3390-3391
  1. Anisotropic recombination of an immobilized photoinduced radical pair in a 50 μT magnetic field: a model avian photomagnetoreceptor
    F. Cintolesi, T. Ritz, C. W. M. Kay, C. R. Timmel and P. J. Hore
    Chem. Phys. 294 (2003) 385-399
  2. Rapid sample-mixing technique for transient NMR and photo-CIDNP spectroscopy: applications to real-time protein folding
    K. H. Mok, T. Nagashima, I. J. Day, J. A. Jones, C. J. V. Jones, C. M. Dobson and P. J. Hore
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 125 (2003) 12484-12492
  3. Rapid formation of non-native contacts during the folding of HPr revealed by real-time photo-CIDNP NMR and stopped-flow fluorescence measurements
    D. Canet, C. E. Lyon, R. M. Scheek, G. T. Robillard, C. M. Dobson, P. J. Hore and N. A. J. van Nuland J. Mol. Biol. 330 (2003) 397-407
  4. Oxidative folding intermediates with non-native disulphide bridges between adjacent cysteine residues
    M. Cemazar, S. Zahariev, J. J. Lopez, O. Carugo, J. A. Jones, P. J. Hore and S. Pongor
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100 (2003) 5754-5759
  1. Probing the exposure of tyrosine and tryptophan residues in partially folded proteins and folding intermediates by CIDNP pulse-labelling
    C. E. Lyon, E-S. Suh, C. M. Dobson and P. J. Hore
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 124 (2002) 13018-13024
  2. An NMR method for studying the kinetics of metal exchange in biomolecular systems
    R. Barbieri, P. J. Hore, C. Luchinat and R. Pierattelli
    J. Biomolec. NMR 23 (2002) 303-309
  3. Mechanisms of reactions of flavin mononucleotide triplet with aromatic amino acids
    Yu. P. Tsentalovich, J. J. Lopez, P. J. Hore and R. Z. Sagdeev
    Spectrochimica Acta A 58 (2002) 2043-2050
  4. Low field CIDNP of amino acids and proteins: characterization of transient radicals and NMR sensitivity enhancement
    C. E. Lyon, J. J. Lopez, B.-M. Cho and P. J. Hore
    Molec. Phys. 100 (2002) 1261-1269
  5. Time resolved CIDNP study of electron transfer reactions in proteins and model compounds
    O. B. Morozova, A. V. Yurkovskaya, Yu. P. Tsentalovich, M. D. E. Forbes, P. J. Hore and R. Z. Sagdeev
    Molec. Phys. 100 (2002) 1187-1195
  6. Low field RYDMR: effects of orthogonal static and oscillating magnetic fields on radical recombination reactions
    J. R. Woodward, C. R. Timmel, P. J. Hore and K. A. McLauchlan
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  7. Effects of surfactants on the photosensitised production of tyrosine radicals studied by photo-CIDNP
    J. J. Lopez, M. A. G. Carter, Yu. P. Tsentalovich, O. B. Morozova, A. V. Yurkovskaya and P. J. Hore
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  1. Radiofrequency magnetic field effects on electron-hole recombination
    J. R. Woodward, C. R. Timmel, K. A. McLauchlan and P. J. Hore
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  2. 95 GHz ESEEM of radical pairs: a source of radical separations and relative orientations
    C. E. Fursman, R. Bittl, S. G. Zech and P. J. Hore
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  3. A zero-field electron spin resonance spectrometer for the study of transient radical ion pairs
    C. R. Timmel, J. R. Woodward, P. J. Hore, K. A. McLauchlan and D. V. Stass
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  4. Model calculations of magnetic field effects on the recombination reactions of radicals with anisotropic hyperfine interactions
    C. R. Timmel, F. Cintolesi, B. Brocklehurst and P. J. Hore
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  1. Radiofrequency magnetic field effects on chemical reaction yields
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  2. The effects of weak magnetic fields on radical recombination reactions in micelles
    R. W. Eveson, C. R. Timmel, B. Brocklehurst, P. J. Hore and K. A. McLauchlan
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  3. Time-resolved CIDNP and laser flash photolysis of the photoreactions of N-acetyl histidine with 2,2´-dipyridyl in aqueous solution 
    Yu. P. Tsentalovich, O. B. Morozova, A. V. Yurkovskaya, P. J. Hore and R. Z. Sagdeev. 
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  4. Improved photo-CIDNP methods for studying protein structure and folding 
    K. Maeda, C. E. Lyon, J. J. Lopez, M. Cemazar, C. M. Dobson and P. J. Hore
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  2. Distance determination in spin-correlated radical pairs in photosynthetic reaction centres by electron spin echo envelope modulation
    C. E. Fursman and P. J. Hore
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  3. Kinetics and mechanism of the photochemical reaction of 2,2´-dipyridyl with tryptophan in water: time-resolved CIDNP and laser flash photolysis study
    Yu. P. Tsentalovich, O. B. Morozova, A. V. Yurkovskaya and P. J. Hore
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  4. Two-dimensional 15N-1H photo-CIDNP as a surface probe of native and partially structured proteins
    C. E. Lyon, J. A. Jones, C. Redfield, C. M. Dobson and P. J. Hore
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121 (1999) 6505-6506
  5. Optically detected magnetic field effects on bacterial photosynthetic reaction centres measured with Rota-MARY spectroscopy
    N. Meray, B. van Dijk, J. K. H. Carpenter, P. J. Hore and A. J. Hoff
    In: Photosynthesis: mechanisms and effects. Kluwer, 1998, pp. 751-754
  6. The influence of very small magnetic fields on radical recombination reactions in the limit of slow recombination
    U. Till, C. R. Timmel, B. Brocklehurst and P. J. Hore
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  7. The nuts and bolts of distance determination and zero and double quantum coherence in photoinduced radical pairs
    A. J. Hoff, P. Gast, S. A. Dzuba, C. R. Timmel, C. E. Fursman and P. J. Hore
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  8. Effects of weak magnetic fields on free radical recombination reactions
    C. R. Timmel, U. Till, B. Brocklehurst, K. A. McLauchlan and P. J. Hore
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  9. Kinetic studies of protein folding using NMR spectroscopy
    C. M. Dobson and P. J. Hore
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  10. Magnetic field effects on the recombination kinetics of radical pairs
    B. van Dijk, J. K. H. Carpenter, A. J. Hoff and P. J. Hore
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  11. Spin-correlated radical pairs: microwave pulse effects on lifetimes, electron spin echo envelope modulations, and optimum conditions for detection by electron spin echo spectroscopy
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  12. Recombination dynamics and EPR spectra of the primary radical pair in bacterial photosynthetic reaction centres with blocked electron transfer to the primary acceptor
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  13. Resonant radiofrequency magnetic field effects on a chemical reaction
    J. R. Woodward, R. J. Jackson, C. R. Timmel, P. J. Hore and K. A. McLauchlan
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  14. Stopped-flow photo-CIDNP observation of protein folding
    P. J. Hore, S. L. Winder, C. H. Roberts and C. M. Dobson
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  18. Transfer of spin correlation between radical pairs in the initial steps of photosynthetic energy conversion
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  19. Magnetic interaction between QA.− and the triplet state of the primary donor in modified reaction centres of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26
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  20. Oscillating magnetic field effects on the yields of radical pair reactions
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  21. Electron paramagnetic resonance of the primary radical pair [D.+ΦA.−] in reaction centres of photosynthetic bacteria
    I. I. Proskuryakov, I. B. Klenina, P. J. Hore, M. K. Bosch, P. Gast and A. J. Hoff
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  22. Selective data acquisition in NMR. The quantification of anti-phase scalar couplings
    P. Hodgkinson, K. J. Holmes and P. J. Hore
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  23. Electron spin polarization of the oxidised primary electron donor in reaction centres of photosynthetic purple bacteria
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  25. Following protein folding in real time using NMR spectroscopy
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